Синтаксис гибридов: есть ли закономерность в сосуществовании вербальных и невербальных элементов поликодовых текстов?
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEСинтаксис гибридов: есть ли закономерность в сосуществовании вербальных и невербальных элементов поликодовых текстов?
Publication date: 2019
Language and Method, 2019, 6, pp. 69-79
Синтаксис гибридов: есть ли закономерность в сосуществовании вербальных и невербальных элементов поликодовых текстов?
The aim of this article is to analyze the interaction of verbal and figurative elements in mass communication in order to reveal the regularities of the syntax of such utterances.
The study was based on the intersection of mass communication theories related to the phenomenon of selective attention on the one hand and the semiotic-linguistic approach to communication on the other. The first approach allows to confi rm the representativeness of the material selected for the study, the second one develops a methodology for the structural analysis of this verbal and non-verbal material.
Two research questions were raised in the paper: 1) Is the image increasingly replacing the verbal elements of communication? 2) What are the principles of the syntactic organization of polycode statements in a modern communicative situation? The first question requests the consideration of verbal-non-verbal hybrids in the statistically-dynamic aspect, the second one involves the semiotic-linguistic aspect (thus, the research is carried out at the intersection of the methods of media research and linguistics).
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Information: Language and Method, 2019, 6, pp. 69-79
Article type: Original article
Синтаксис гибридов: есть ли закономерность в сосуществовании вербальных и невербальных элементов поликодовых текстов?
Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Published at: 2019
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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