Strata na "toksycznych" opcjach walutowych i kontraktach terminowych forward jako koszt uzyskania przychodu osoby prawnej - ujęcie ogólne

Publication date: 03.2016

Financial Law Review, 2016, Issue 1 (1)/2016, pp. 11-22


Łukasz Karczyński
Department of Financial Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdansk
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Strata na "toksycznych" opcjach walutowych i kontraktach terminowych forward jako koszt uzyskania przychodu osoby prawnej - ujęcie ogólne


Due to financial crisis many entrepreneurs suffered heavy losses on currency options and forward contracts. Tax authorities tend to disallow deduction of those losses from the taxable income. Many cases ended up in administrative courts, resulting in judicature controversies on the issue in question. This paper is the first of four in a cycle. The aim of the whole cycle will be to analyze deeply these controversies and suggest the proper interpretation of the legal provisions, determining whether losses on currency options and forward contracts should or should not be regarded as tax-deductible expenses. The aim of this paper is to determine the scope of the problems to solve as well as to analyze the legal character of the loss on non-deliverable currency options and forward contracts. Therefore this legal character has been determined in the light of Polish corporate income tax act. What is more, the problems with the interpretation of these losses as indirect deductible expenses have been solved.


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Information: Financial Law Review, 2016, Issue 1 (1)/2016, pp. 11-22

Article type: Original article



Strata na "toksycznych" opcjach walutowych i kontraktach terminowych forward jako koszt uzyskania przychodu osoby prawnej - ujęcie ogólne


Loss on „Toxic” Currency Options and Forward Contracts as a Tax-Deductible Expense in Corporate Income Tax – General Issues


Department of Financial Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdansk

Published at: 03.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

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Łukasz Karczyński (Author) - 100%

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