Bulgarian Financial Law and the European Legal and Financial System
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEBulgarian Financial Law and the European Legal and Financial System
Publication date: 12.12.2018
Financial Law Review, 2018, Issue 12 (4)/ 2018, pp. 39 - 50
Bulgarian Financial Law and the European Legal and Financial System
The present article aims to provide an overview of financial law as an independent branch of the legał system of the Republic of Bułgaria from a both historical and functional point of view, in the context of its traditions and current trends, which reflect the financial and legał system of the EU. The EU membership of Bułgaria holds numerous challenges and reąuires the mobilisation of the intellectual and physical potential of all stakeholders involved. Financial law is one of the most dynamie fields of legislation and case-law. The financial legał doctrine addresses the new challenges, building on constitutional, financial and administrative legał traditions and practices in the field of administrative justice in Bułgaria following the Tarnovo Constitution.
Information: Financial Law Review, 2018, Issue 12 (4)/ 2018, pp. 39 - 50
Article type: Original article
Department of Administrative Law Studies and at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Sofia University "St.Kliment Ohridski", Bułgaria
Published at: 12.12.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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EnglishView count: 857
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