The Numismatic Production of Antiochos IV: Tool of Diplomacy or Legitimacy? A Quantifying Approach of Hoard Evidence
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe Numismatic Production of Antiochos IV: Tool of Diplomacy or Legitimacy? A Quantifying Approach of Hoard Evidence
Publication date: 06.12.2018
ELECTRUM, 2018, Volume 25, pp. 47-72
The Numismatic Production of Antiochos IV: Tool of Diplomacy or Legitimacy? A Quantifying Approach of Hoard Evidence
This article proposes a quantitative reading of the hoard evidence concerning the coin production of Antiochos IV. The “Seleucid Hoard Database” (SHD) is used as the starting point for addressing the question of coinage as “tool of diplomacy or legitimacy” of the king’s reign. The demonstration, following a recent comparable analysis on the coinage of Antiochos III, is meant to serve as a methodological manifest of the usefulness of large datasets, statistical analyses and quantifi cations when considering historical issues. The role of Antioch as a major mint is examined, as well as the westward circulation patterns of Antiochos’ issues, while the quantitative analysis of obverse and reverse types serves as a reference point for the divinization of the king and the political messages transmitted through his numismatic production.
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Information: ELECTRUM, 2018, Volume 25, pp. 47-72
Article type: Original article
Belgian School at Athens, Athens, Greece
University of Liège, Liège, Wallonia, Belgium
Published at: 06.12.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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