First Results and Perspectives of a New Archaeological Project in the Armenian Capital Artaxata: From Artashes-Artaxias I to Roman Imperialism

Publication date: 07.2021

ELECTRUM, 2021, Volume 28, pp. 245-276



Achim Lichtenberger
University of Münster (Münster, Germany)
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2653-9859 Orcid
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Torben Schreiber
University of Münster (Münster, Germany)
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4837-6245 Orcid
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Mkrtich H. Zardaryan
Armenian Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia
All publications →


First Results and Perspectives of a New Archaeological Project in the Armenian Capital Artaxata: From Artashes-Artaxias I to Roman Imperialism


The paper deals with the first results of the Armenian-German Artaxata Project which was initiated in 2018. The city of Artaxata was founded in the 2nd century BC as the capital of the Artaxiad kingdom. The city stretches over the 13 hills of the Khor Virap heights and the adjacent plain in the Ararat valley. The new project focusses on Hill XIII and the Lower city to the south and the north of it. This area was investigated by magnetic prospections in 2018 and on the basis of its results, in total eleven 5 × 5 m trenches were excavated in 2019. On the eastern part of Hill XIII several structures of possibly domestic function were uncovered. They were laid out according to a regular plan and in total three phases could be determined. According to 14C data, the first phase already dates to the 2nd century BC while the subsequent two phases continue into the 1st/2nd century AD. In the 2019 campaign, the overall layout and exact function of the structures could not be determined and more excavations will be undertaken in the forthcoming years. North of Hill XIII the foundations of piers of an unfinished Roman aqueduct on arches were excavated. This aqueduct is attributed to the period 114–117 AD when Rome in vain tried to establish the Roman province of Armenia with Artaxata being the capital.


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Information: ELECTRUM, 2021, Volume 28, pp. 245-276

Article type: Original article



Achim Lichtenberger
University of Münster (Münster, Germany)
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2653-9859 Orcid
All publications →

University of Münster (Münster, Germany)


Torben Schreiber
University of Münster (Münster, Germany)
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4837-6245 Orcid
All publications →

University of Münster (Münster, Germany)

Armenian Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia

Published at: 07.2021

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Achim Lichtenberger (Author) - 33%
Torben Schreiber (Author) - 33%
Mkrtich H. Zardaryan (Author) - 34%

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