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Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

  1. Manuscripts (in English / German / French) should be sent via email: e-mail: actacarpathica@gmail.com.

  2. The original copy should preferably be sent in the .doc format, Times New Roman 12, computer double space typed, submitted in electronic form, including notes and bibliographic references. Top, bottom, and margins should be 3 cm.

  3. The title page must contain the authors’ full name(s) and affiliation (complete name of the institution with the address is required), orcid number, the title and an abstract (ca. 300 words) of the contribution in English. Correspondence address should be printed at the end of the text, before the bibliography. The corresponding author should be appointed.

  4. Headings must be ranked (i.e.: I, II, III).

  5. References should be cited in the text, giving the author’s name and year of publication (i.e.: Godłowski 1982; Kaczanowski, Kozłowski 1997; Kaczanowski et al. 2005).

  6. The literature must be arranged in an alphabetical and chronological order. The references should be cited in the following style:

    1. Papers published in a journal:
      Bóna I.
      1993 ‘Barbarische’ Nachahmungen von byzantinischen Goldmünzen im Awarenreich, Rivista Italiana di Numismatica e Scienze Affini 95, p. 529–538.

      For annual volumes issued with delay please use the following format:
      Brather S.
      1997 Frühmittelalterliche Dirham-Schatzfunde in Europa. Probleme ihrer wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Interpretation aus archäologischer Perspektive, Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters 23 / 24, p. 73–153.

    2. Books
      (Please include full data on the series [editors’ names, volume number] in which the work was published)

      Brincken A. D., v. Den
      1973 Die ‚nationes christianorum orientalium’ im Verständnis der lateinischen Historiographie von der Mitte des 12. bis in die zweite Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts, Kölner Historische Abhandlungen, vol. 22, Köln – Wien.

    3. Sections in books:
      Bartczak A.
      1997 Finds of Dirhams in Central Europe prior to the Beginning of the 10th Century A.D., [in:] Origins of Central Europe, P. Urbańczyk (ed.), Warsaw, p. 227–239.

      Brather S.
      1999 Frühmittelalterliche Dirham-Schatz- und Einzelfunde im südlichen Ostseeraum. Die Anfänge der Gewichtsgeldwirtschaft bei den Westslawen, [in:] Archäologie als Sozialgeschichte. Studien zu Siedlung, Wirtschaft und gesellschaft im frühgeschichtlichen Mitteleuropa. Festschrift für H. Steuer zum 60. Geburtstag, S. Brather, Ch. Bücker, M. Hoeper (ed.), Internationale Archäologie. Studia honoraria, C. Dobiat, K. Leidorf (ed.), vol. 9, Rahden, p. 179–197.

    4. Typescripts:
      Goslar T.
      2005 Raport z wykonania datowań 14C w Poznańskim Laboratorium Radiowęglowym, Archive of the Institute of Archaeology, Wrocław University (typescript).

    5. Websites:
      Furholt M.
      2003 Absolutchronologie und die Entstehung der Schnurkeramikhttp://www.jungsteinsite.uni-kiel.de/pdf/2003_furholt.pdf, 20.01.2011. [Access date].

      Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given.

    6. Cyrillic references
      Cyrillic references should be prepared in transcribed (alphabetic) version, in accordance with guidelines as presented by the link below: https://centrum.nukat.edu.pl/images/files/instrukcje_procedury/transliteracja/NUKAT_PN_ISO_9_pelna_tabela.pdf.

  7. Figures are to be included in the text rather than at the end. Therefore please use running numbers for the figures, marking them as Fig. 1; Fig. 2; Fig. 3.

    The following are understood as figures: drawings, photographic images (black-and-white and color), and maps.

    The figures must be of good quality, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (for color images) and 600 dpi (for black-and-white images), in tiff format. Maps and images of artifacts must be accompanied by a linear scale.

    Figures and full-page plates cited as Fig. corresponding to the size B5 (width 125mm and the maximum acceptable height is 170mm) should be submitted processed on a computer, consecutively numbered (with Arabic numerals).

    Tables and graphs should be numbered separately. Figure captions and table headings should be delivered on a separate sheet (separate file). Please do not embed tables and graphs in the text.

  8. Contributions should not exceed 35 pages, illustrations included.

  9. Authors will receive a pdf copy of the final proofing. At this point only corrections of printing errors will be accepted.

  10. Authors will receive pdf copies of their paper.

  11. Journal does not request any article subsmission, review, publication and processing charges.

Manuscript Procedure Time

The average time in which the article is published: 6 months (24-26 weeks).

No publishing fees

Journal does not request any article subsmission, review, publication and processing charges.