Szymon Tengler
Technical Transactions, Mechanics Issue 2-M (7) 2015, 2015, pp. 291-299
The functionality of the authors’ computer program which enables to analyze dynamics of special cars with a high gravity center, in particular, a technical rescue vehicle of fire service is presented in this article. The correctness of the analysis has been confirmed experimentally. The program consists of two essential parts: the calculation module and the animation module designed for three-dimensional visualization. Properly prepared input data in the XML format is processed by the calculation module which can solve the equations of motion including an uneven road surface. The results of this module are processed by the animation module performing a smooth computer animation. For mathematical modeling of road unevenness and presenting three-dimensional animated objects authors used an unconventional combination of the developed program with the Blender graphical environment.
Szymon Tengler
Technical Transactions, Volume 5 Year 2017 (114), 2017, pp. 217-235 optimal way to select parameters of a driver’s seat of a special vehicle, which contributes directly to an increase in driving comfort is presented in the work. A mathematical model of the vehicle was formulated by using of joint coordinates and homogenous transformations. A maneuver of driving over obstacles in a form of a speed bump of different heights and lengths is presented. A subject of the investigations was to select such damping parameters and driver’s seat stiffness to minimize amplitudes of vibrations present in this subassembly. An influence of a form of an objective function and a selection of decisive variables on quality of the optimization results obtained was analyzed.