This report presents research findings on creating and managing the developmental strategy within a school organization with students characterised by high educational and career aspirations. The study aimed at assessing the alignment of this strategy with the quality of life paradigm for the stakeholders. In the initial project stage, a qualitative study (N = 22) comprised focus group interviews and workshop elements, while utilizing visual communication through arts (Social Issues in Art & Music) [cf. Yeo, 2014]. An online survey (CAWI) was also conducted with IB participants (N = 141). The survey addressed workshop-related issues and included the adapted Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) questionnaire to evaluate the psychological well-being of students. The research examined psychosocial consequences resulting from the heightened expectations placed on the high school students (by parents, peers or teachers) and the influence of organizational culture (school) on student wellbeing. Most respondents exhibited symptoms of occupational burnout typically found among individuals in their forties [Lenton & Łużniak-Piecha 2016]. No strategic organizational actions that indirectly or directly monitored and positively impacted student well-being were identified. The report identifies vital premises of observed phenomena and offers managerial recommendations. The researchers implemented crisis intervention at the final stage of the project.