Grzegorz Sroślak
Public Management, Issue 1 (21) , 2013, pp. 1-11
Regional sciences in Russia have a long and rich history. From a historical point of view, it’s beginnings can be found in the early XX century – during the time of organising the Soviet system and economy within the framework of ZSRR, when the science of regional management had led to creating many practical social solutions, and some, though they are now attributed to other sciences, economical.
Importance of regional sciences had risen a lot in the past 20 due to changes in national economy as a whole caused by the process of switching to free market which creates the need for working out new laws, that could regulate reshaping the economy on a regional level, including at the same time the needs of whole country and its economy.
It is possible to notice regularities connected with regulative and real practices within the regional management science, that can be summmed up by saying that officially declared political and economical goals are not always in relations to actual social and economical practices. As a consequence, a problem of defining the real state of matters within this domain.
As a consequence, it was necessary to assess the true conditions existing within this field through analysing particular topics connected to that domain of science.
As a result of conducting an analise a belief was made, that the main subject of concepts of regional management, as well as actual political decisions regarding this issue was the need to adapt regions and their economies and population to the current and future production needs, most commonly on the national level.
Grzegorz Sroślak
Public Management, Issue 4 (16), 2011, pp. 49-61
Russian regional policy is an example of adjusting solutions to regions development needs and social-economic needs of Russian Federation as a whole. Those solutions are only results of historical and political conditions that existed in the past.
As a result of evaluating this policy during the past 20 years following acts came into effect:
–– changing regional budget policy,
–– reforming interbudget relations (between central budget and regional budgets, and finally between regional budgets themselves),
–– targeted funds (for example, for regions with protechnological tendencies),
–– “contracts” and “agreements” (in matters of dividing competences between distinct subjects of state of particular levels) used in realising particular tasks of regional policies.
The level of theoretical and judicial development of these solutions was different, as well as the range and effectiveness in reality. Lastly listed – “contracts” and “agreements” – should be counted as one of the least clarified and somewhat unsuccesfull in terms of regional development policies. At first, they were established as an answer to current problems of solving conflict situations between the federal government and particular regions which took place in the ninetees of the past century and they were a form of countering the threat of facing an integrity loss by Russian state. Therefore they aren’t strictly a tool of regional development policy. Secondly, not only are they unclarified in their current form, but also, due to the mentioned ambiguity, they are often used by various groups of interest in Russia in particular regions, and in such manner are contradictory to objectives of regional policy in Russian Federation.