Eliza Przeździecka
International Business and Global Economy, Volume 35/1 , 2016, pp. 279-294
https://doi.org/10.4467/23539496IB.16.021.5602This paper focuses on the emerging trends in global sourcing of innovation driven by the unbundling of innovation activities. The author presents the phenomenon of global sourcing of innovation and then discusses the recent trends in the global flow of R&D services. The article argues that dynamics of offshoring in innovation in general, and R&D services in particular, is driven by market, production, technology, knowledge, costs and political issues. The author analyzes China and India as the most important service providers worldwide and describes their advantages.
Eliza Przeździecka
International Business and Global Economy, Volume 37, 2018, pp. 27-40
https://doi.org/10.4467/23539496IB.18.002.9375The aim of the paper is to determine the place of Poland in global value chains and to indicate the role played in them by Polish enterprises. This was achieved using traditional indicators of GVC links, i.e., the share of foreign value added in domestic exports (FVA) and the domestic value added embodied in the export of other countries (IVA). Other data available in the OECD TiVA database as well as the results of surveys of Polish enterprises were also taken into account. The study shows that Poland has slightly weaker connections inGVCcompared to the other countries in our region. Foreign value added accounts for only one third of Polish exports, and Polish added value used in the export of our trading partners is a quarter of Polish exports.