Bartłomiej Homiński
Geographical Studies, Issue 162, 2020, pp. 89-123łomiej Homiński
Housing Environment, 24/2018, 2018, pp. 130-141 and swimming pools are a common element of social infrastructure of many of Iceland’s localities. Their function is not limited to recreation and sports. Thanks to their spread, low admission costs, as well as the attractiveness of hot baths in the cold climate, open public pools are a type of public spaces that are specific to Iceland. They compensate for the lack of traditionally understood urban spaces in localities and settlements that feature a dispersed structure of low density.
Using tools such as the multiple-case study with the application of the techniques of analysing literature and architectural drawings, on-site visits and non-participatory observation, the author analysed the architectural and landscape solutions applied in three built projects featuring open-air pools and bathing facilities in Iceland in terms of their ascribed public, integrating and social function.
As a result of the analysis, the author determined that: the functional programme of the pool is not commonly supplemented by accompanying functions, such as, for instance, coffee shops; the design solutions of the bathing facilities include pools and Jacuzzi or hot tubs of varying size, shape and orientation relative to the structure; the common characteristic of the analysed structures was the visual connection of the bathing facilities and the hot tubs with the landscape.