The article describes the process of textual transformations which led to the creation of Janusz Krasiński’s play Kochankowie z klasztoru Valdemosa [The Lovers from the Valldemossa Charterhouse: A Work in the Process of Transformations and Reinterpretations]. The prototype of the drama about Fryderyk Chopin was the script of a television production, transformed into a radio drama and then into a theatrical play. In each of its incarnations this literary project was intended for a different production: television, radio or theatre. An analysis of draft copies showed that the changes which the writer introduced into the work involved not only adaptation, that is, taking into account the specific character of the given medium. Enriching the phonic layer and releasing the theatrical potential of the work enabled Krasiński to make original reinterpretations, and his creative thinking about the theatrical production resulted in introducing new motifs and led to semantic transformations.