Zarządzanie mediami w sformalizowanej wielowymiarowej przestrzeni medialnej
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEZarządzanie mediami w sformalizowanej wielowymiarowej przestrzeni medialnej
Data publikacji: 15.12.2013
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, 2013, Tom 14, Numer 4 , s. 411 - 424
Zarządzanie mediami w sformalizowanej wielowymiarowej przestrzeni medialnej
Media management in a formalized multi-dimensional media sphere
The article proposes new options for media management based on a model approach to the concept of a media sphere. The multidimensional model of a media sphere is envisaged as a place where all media entities (the media and all users of the sphere), which create networks of relations and dependencies, meet with information projected from the sphere of events into the information sphere. For the purposes of the final message, many information items projected in this manner are dropped by the media for various reasons, e.g. because they are too complex, insignificant or incomprehensible. Yet, they may be important for and highly valued by members of the audience. Mass media prefer not to come into conflict with the realities of the public, its needs and expectations; rather than discuss difficult social issues, they prefer to focus on sensational news and entertainment. Management and selection of topics to be covered are frequently the result of coincidences, or intuitions of the editors in charge, which leads to information chaos concealed by pseudo-events and other forms of journalism. Apart from that, media commonly use manipulation. Therefore, it is important to develop new concepts for media management so that they can be liberated from the direct impact exerted by the market, owners, corporations, as well as politics, and to ensure they are firmly rooted in the civic sphere. This is a kind of de-commercialization which may only be achieved through an adequately formalized media sphere and by creating new sub-spheres of management taking into account the needs of all media entities participating in the information transfer. Sub-spheres of management are an instrument supporting institutional and legal, organizational and strategic operations performed by the body monitoring and supervising the media sphere. They allow for more effective and valuable communications addressed to specific groups of the audience. This, however, requires adequate formalization of the media sphere where its internal dynamics is taken into account; such options are available when methods of artificial intelligence are employed for examining the media sphere and predicting media events. The study is the first attempt to clarify this issue, and is the result of a discussion conducted during a seminar on modeling the media sphere at the University of Rzeszów.
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Informacje: Zarządzanie w Kulturze, 2013, Tom 14, Numer 4 , s. 411 - 424
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Zarządzanie mediami w sformalizowanej wielowymiarowej przestrzeni medialnej
Media management in a formalized multi-dimensional media sphere
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Aleja Rejtana 16c 35-959 Rzeszów
Publikacja: 15.12.2013
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 2258
Liczba pobrań: 1351