O wychowaniu żołnierskim w Dotzè llibre del Crestià Francesca Eiximenisa. Koncepcja, źródła, przekład fragmentów
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWybierz format
RIS BIB ENDNOTEData publikacji: 06.12.2024
Terminus, 2024, Tom 26, zeszyt 2 (71) 2024, s. 179 - 215
O wychowaniu żołnierskim w Dotzè llibre del Crestià Francesca Eiximenisa. Koncepcja, źródła, przekład fragmentów
Francesc Eiximenis, a Catalan polyhistor, Franciscan, and writer, left a significant mark on 14th-century literature in the Crown of Aragon. Well-educated in influential academic centres of pre-Renaissance Europe, he did not limit his treatises to religious matters alone. Instead, he explored a wide range of topics related to secular, everyday life. This paper examines one such theme: warfare, which was considered of prime importance during that time, and Eiximenis dedicated part of his most ambitious work, Lo Crestià (The Christian), to this subject.
The paper consists of two parts: a translation of selected fragments from Dotzè llibre del Crestià (The Twelve Book of the Christian) and an introductory section, which discusses the style and sources of the text, as well as Eiximenis’ original concept of soldier training and its significance for the art of war. To facilitate analysis, the war-related portion of Dotzè (chapters 213 to 337) is herein separated and described as the Treaty on Military Affairs. This approach also highlights its strong reliance on ancient authors such as Vegetius (Epitoma rei militaris), Aristotle, and Ptolemy.
The translation presented in the second part of the article is the first Polish version of the Treaty on Military Affairs’ fragments related to soldier training. The text consists of chapters 213, 217, and 222–227, accompanied by commentary notes that compare them to source fragments from Vegetius’ work, and explain passages that may pose challenges for contemporary readers. As there is no modern critical edition of this part of Dotzè, the basis for the translation is the incunabulum printed in 1484 by Lambert Palmart in Valencia.
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Informacje: Terminus, 2024, Tom 26, zeszyt 2 (71) 2024, s. 179 - 215
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Publikacja: 06.12.2024
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 141
Liczba pobrań: 21