Elementy astrologicznej koncepcji makro- i mikrokosmosu w traktacie Stefana Falimirza O nauce gwiazdecznej
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEElementy astrologicznej koncepcji makro- i mikrokosmosu w traktacie Stefana Falimirza O nauce gwiazdecznej
Data publikacji: 2015
Terminus, 2015, Tom 17, zeszyt 1 (34), s. 89 - 112
Elementy astrologicznej koncepcji makro- i mikrokosmosu w traktacie Stefana Falimirza O nauce gwiazdecznej
Elements of astrological concept of macro- and microcosm in Stefan Falimirz’s treaty Science about stars
The publication is devoted to the treaty Science about stars from Stefan Falimirz’s herbaria. In this article I put the following objectives: the development of concordance of the treaty Science about stars included in herbaes of Stefan Falimirz, Hieronim Spiczyński and Marcin Siennik; an overview of the contents of its chapters; characteristics of the concept of the macrocosm and the microcosm. I explain what were the consequences of astrology for the concept of diseases and its treatments.
Ungler’s “gardens of health” are an example of literature with complex links to astrological divination. Falimirz begins with a typical astrological calendar. Next part of the treaty is devoted to characteristics of zodiac, the planets and the Moon aspects of planets. After this information Falimirz gives a description of the four seasons and tables containing meteorological forecasts. Astrological concept of macrocosm is based on the idea of the existence of superior order, which governs particular elements of nature. In the next part of this article I explain the influence of astrological macrocosm concept on the perception of the category of time. It is a time of quality, valued binary: it can be either good or bad for some action. Space and time depending on the celestial rotation might become good or bad. Describing the astrological vision of the microcosm, I refer to the Ptolemaic theory of birth. The belief in the existence of deterministic laws governing the human body had consequences in selection of methods and time of treatment. At the end of the article I emphasize the fact, that Stefan Falimirz’s treaty Science about stars is extremely similar to other astrological Old-Polish texts.
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Informacje: Terminus, 2015, Tom 17, zeszyt 1 (34), s. 89 - 112
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Elementy astrologicznej koncepcji makro- i mikrokosmosu w traktacie Stefana Falimirza O nauce gwiazdecznej
Elements of astrological concept of macro- and microcosm in Stefan Falimirz’s treaty Science about stars
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
ul. Stefana Żeromskiego 5, Kielce, Polska
Publikacja: 2015
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 2360
Liczba pobrań: 891