Kimian States: The Case of Stative Passive Participles Corresponding to Roz- Object Experiencer Verbs in Polish
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEKimian States: The Case of Stative Passive Participles Corresponding to Roz- Object Experiencer Verbs in Polish
Data publikacji: 22.12.2020
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 15 (2020), Vol. 15, Issue 4, s. 177-197
Kimian States: The Case of Stative Passive Participles Corresponding to Roz- Object Experiencer Verbs in Polish
In this text we consider properties of stative passive participles corresponding to roz- Object Experiencer verbs in Polish. They are viewed in the light of the distinction between Davidsonian states (Davidson 1967) and Kimian states (Kim 1976). Polish statives with roz- passive participles seem to show features of both Kimian and Davidsonian states. We will consider the results of various tests proposed in the literature to discover the properties of the relevant Polish structures and offer an explanation for the areas in which roz- structures diverge from the characteristics of Kimian states.
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Informacje: Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 15 (2020), Vol. 15, Issue 4, s. 177-197
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Kimian States: The Case of Stative Passive Participles Corresponding to Roz- Object Experiencer Verbs in Polish
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Publikacja: 22.12.2020
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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