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Categorically Jewish, Distinctly Polish: The Museum
of the History of Polish Jews and the New Polish-Jewish Metahistory

Data publikacji: 2013

Studia Judaica, 2013, Nr 2 (32), s. 47-75


Moshe Rosman
Wszystkie publikacje autora →


Categorically Jewish, Distinctly Polish: The Museum
of the History of Polish Jews and the New Polish-Jewish Metahistory


The Museum of the History of Polish Jews is a daring enterprise that symbolizes the new Poland. It relates the story of the Jewish experience in Poland in a way that reflects the metahistory implicit in Polish-Jewish historiography written over the generation. The main points of this metahistory are: for most of its history Poland was a multiethnic and multicultural country; Poland’s Jews did not live in “shtetl-land” but Poland, being not only in the country but of it; a story of achievement and stability punctuated by crisis and persecution, Polish-Jewish history can be described as categorically Jewish and distinctly Polish; there is the Polish-Jewish history in the nineteenth century; the Jewish experience in Poland was not one of unrelenting antisemitism and the Shoah was not the culmination of Polish-Jewish history. The Museum also alludes to various historical controversies.


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Informacje: Studia Judaica, 2013, Nr 2 (32), s. 47-75

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Categorically Jewish, Distinctly Polish: The Museum
of the History of Polish Jews and the New Polish-Jewish Metahistory


Categorically Jewish, Distinctly Polish: The Museum
of the History of Polish Jews and the New Polish-Jewish Metahistory

Publikacja: 2013

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: Żadna

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Moshe Rosman (Autor) - 100%

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