The article discusses the issues of the architecture of contemporary nurseries and kindergartens, and highlights their access to nature and greenery based on the analysis of existing facilities in Poland and selected European and Asian facilities. The basic theoretical assumptions regarding the child’s needs in terms of architecture and contact with nature were described, compared to the realities of this type of investment. The most common and important features dominating the architecture of nurseries and kindergartens as well as its surroundings were presented and analyzed in the context of actual needs for a given age category. An attempt was made to assess the most common factors of the natural depletion of pre-school grounds and outlined the risks of continuing such an approach. The adopted research methods included, among other, analysis of scientific studies in the field of architecture, psychology and cognitive science as well as observations and experiments among the target group (children aged 3-5).
W artykule poruszono problematykę architektury współczesnych żłobków i przedszkoli oraz zwrócono uwagę na ich dostęp do przyrody i zieleni na podstawie analizy istniejących obiektów w Polsce oraz wybranych obiektów europejskich i azjatyckich. Opisano podstawowe założenia teoretyczne dotyczące potrzeb dziecka w aspekcie architektury oraz kontaktu z naturą, które zestawiono z realiami panującymi w tego typu inwestycjach. Przedstawiono najczęstsze i najbardziej istotne cechy dominujące architekturę żłobków i przedszkoli a także jej otoczenie oraz poddano analizie w kontekście rzeczywistych potrzeb dla danej kategorii wiekowej. Podjęto próbę oceny najczęstszych czynników przyrodniczego wyjałowienia terenów przedszkolnych oraz nakreślono zagrożenia jakie niesie ze sobą kontynuowanie takiego podejścia. Przyjęte metody badań obejmowały analizę opracowań naukowych z zakresu architektury, psychologii i kognitywistyki oraz obserwacje i eksperymenty wśród grupy docelowej (dzieci z przedziału wiekowego 3-5 lat).
Current trends in the design of nurseries and kindergartens and their impact on the development of children. Study of selected projects including access to nature
The article discusses the issues of the architecture of contemporary nurseries and kindergartens, and highlights their access to nature and greenery based on the analysis of existing facilities in Poland and selected European and Asian facilities. The basic theoretical assumptions regarding the child’s needs in terms of architecture and contact with nature were described, compared to the realities of this type of investment. The most common and important features dominating the architecture of nurseries and kindergartens as well as its surroundings were presented and analyzed in the context of actual needs for a given age category. An attempt was made to assess the most common factors of the natural depletion of pre-school grounds and outlined the risks of continuing such an approach. The adopted research methods included, among other, analysis of scientific studies in the field of architecture, psychology and cognitive science as well as observations and experiments among the target group (children aged 3-5).
Key words: architecture for children, the influence of architecture and surroundings on human development, architecture and nature in the context of educational facilities