Durability evaluation of bridge structure:
comparison between analitical approach and experimental investigations
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Durability evaluation of bridge structure:
comparison between analitical approach and experimental investigations
Data publikacji: 21.12.2014
Czasopismo Techniczne, 2014, Budownictwo Zeszyt 6-B (21) 2014 , s. 54 - 66
Durability evaluation of bridge structure:
comparison between analitical approach and experimental investigations
The paper is focused on the problem of durability of RC structure exposed to typical ambient conditions for bridges. The causes and degradation processes of the structures, mechanisms of concrete carbonation and chloride penetration are described. The theoretical model which allows for the prognosis of all changes affecting construction safety in time is presented. The findings of the theoretical analysis are compared with the results of the experimental research of a viaduct in a state of an advanced degradation as well as the material samples taken from it.
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Informacje: Czasopismo Techniczne, 2014, Budownictwo Zeszyt 6-B (21) 2014 , s. 54 - 66
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Durability evaluation of bridge structure:
comparison between analitical approach and experimental investigations
Durability evaluation of bridge structure:
comparison between analitical approach and experimental investigations
Instytut Materiałów i Konstrukcji Budowlanych, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej, Politechnika Krakowska
Politechnika Krakowska
Publikacja: 21.12.2014
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 2281
Liczba pobrań: 1682