Piotr Górski
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 83-96
Recognizing motives of choosing the human resources specialization, educational offer’s evaluation as well as professional aspirations of students who are to graduate are the main goal of the survey. Authors defi ned student’s convictions about the infl uence on their professional career of two groups of factors: motivation and value systems as well as university’s educational offer.
Piotr Górski
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 2-B (12) 2015, 2015, s. 417-432
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.15.147.4184The influence of the ice accretion, angle of attack and Reynolds number on the flow field around iced cables of cablesupported bridges is not clearly understood. The Strouhal number is one of the most important parameters which is necessary for an analysis of the vortex excitation response of slender structures. This paper presents the method and results of wind tunnel investigations of the Strouhal number of stationary iced cable models of cable-supported bridges. The investigations were conducted in a climatic wind tunnel laboratory of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Telč. The methodology leading to the experimental icing of the inclined cable model in the climatic section of the laboratory was prepared. The shape of the ice on the cable was registered by photogrammetry and numerical evaluation. For the aerodynamic investigations, the iced cable model in a smaller scale was reproduced using a 3D printing procedure. The Strouhal number was determined within the range of the Reynolds number between 2.4·104 and 16.4·104, based on the dominant vortex shedding frequency measured in the flow behind the model. The model was orientated at three principal angles of wind attack for each of the Reynolds number values. In order to recognize the tunnel blockage effect, the Strouhal number of a smooth circular cylinder was tested. Strong agreement with the generally reported value in the subcritical Reynolds number range for a circular cylinder was obtained.
Piotr Górski
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 8 Year 2019 (116), 2019, s. 115-128
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.19.083.10862This paper presents the wind tunnel investigations of the mean aerodynamic coefficients of the stationary iced model in cable-stayed bridges. The investigations were performed in a Climatic Wind Tunnel Laboratory at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Telč. The icing of the inclined cable model was made experimentally. The shape of the iced model was mapped by a photogrammetry method. The new iced cable model was made by using a 3D printer. The aerodynamic drag, lift and moment coefficients were determined with respect to three principal angles of wind attack within the range of the Reynolds number between 2.5·104 and 13.6·104 at a turbulence intensity of 5 %. It was found that the drag coefficient values of the iced cable model are higher than for a circular smooth cylinder. The obtained results could constitute a basis to formulate a mathematical description of the wind load acting on the iced cables of cable-supported bridges.
Keywords: bridge cable, ice accretion, angle of wind attack, aerodynamic coefficient
W pracy podano sposób i wyniki badań statycznych współczynników aerodynamicznych nieruchomego modelu oblodzonego cięgna mostu podwieszonego. Badania wykonano w tunelu aerodynamicznym Laboratorium Czeskiej Akademii Nauk w Telč. Zrealizowano doświadczalne oblodzenie nachylonego modelu cięgna. Otrzymane oblodzenie zarejestrowano metodą fotogrametrii. Wykonano nowy model oblodzonego cięgna metodą druku 3D. Współczynniki aerodynamiczne wyznaczono przy trzech podstawowych kierunkach napływającego powietrza w zakresie liczby Reynoldsa od 2,5·104 do 13,6·104 i przy średniej intensywności turbulencji powietrza 5%. Stwierdzono, że wartości współczynnika oporu aerodynamicznego modelu oblodzonego cięgna są większe w porównaniu do wartości otrzymanych dla cylindra. Otrzymane wyniki mogą stanowić podstawę do sformułowania matematycznego opisu modelu obciążenia wiatrem oblodzonych cięgien mostowych.
Piotr Górski
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, Tom 5, Zeszyt 1, Tom 5 (2012), s. 85-96
https://doi.org/10.4467/20844131KS.12.009.0910Piotr Górski
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 165-171
Recenzja: „Nurt metodologiczny w naukach o zarządzaniu. Perspektywy i zagrożenia rozwoju” pod redakcją naukową Wandy Błaszczyk
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Rok wydania 2006
Numer ISBN 83-7171-942-6
Specyfikacja 299 stron
Piotr Górski
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (1), 2019, s. 37-51
https://doi.org/10.4467/24498939IJCM.19.002.10735Background. The article draws readers’ attention to the potential significance of works of selected Polish sociologists for the historical approach in Management and Organizational Studies (MOS). The reasons for the lack of interest in history, which is typical of management scholars (except for business historians), are outlined, and the phenomenon of “historical turn” in MOS as a counterpoint of the mentioned phenomenon is discussed.
Research aims. The central theme of the article is constituted by the thesis that the “historical turn” cognitively corresponds to the earlier conceptions which were developed by Kazimierz Dobrowolski. The article also highlights the internationally renowned works of Jerzy Zubrzycki and Aleksander Matejko, which are deeply rooted in the Polish historical experience.
Methodology. The analysis was based on studies of literature on the subject and the publication of selected sociologists.
Key findings. The article shows that that the works of mentioned sociologists offer an integral method assuming a holistic nature of social reality, postulating a combination of functional and historical approaches as well as the use of materials obtained through field research and document studies.
Piotr Górski
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 2-B (12) 2015, 2015, s. 229-239
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.15.134.4171The static and dynamic deformation monitoring of engineering structures has been a matter of concern for engineers for many years. This paper provides a review of research and development activities from 1993 in the field of bridges, tall buildings, and tower health monitoring using GPS. Firstly, early pioneering applications of GPS to measure the structural vibrations of these structures and the assessment of the measurement accuracy of GPS are briefly described. The progress on monitoring the displacements and dynamic characteristics of bridges and tall structures, caused by traffic loads, wind, and the combined influence of solar radiation and daily air temperature variations, is then presented.
Piotr Górski
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 57-70
In the paper the author presents his research about attitudes of students of turist`s management about their study and attitudes toward work. He attempts to answer the following questions:
What was the motive of study the management
What was the student`s appraiseal of the Jagiellonian University educational offer.
What were the student`s expectations regarding their future job positions.
Piotr Górski
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (11) , 2010, s. 97-108
This article based on research which attempted to reconstruct the image of the HR manager and get to know students value system and their expectations for competencies related to the role of HR manager. The results of the research allowed to answer the question about compliance the representations of students’ perceptions with that of professional environment.
Piotr Górski
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(1), 2013, s. 202-211
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie wprowadzenia zmiany organizacyjnej w administracji państwowej w Polsce w okresie międzywojennym. Zwrócono uwagę na kategorie służące opisowi rzeczywistości organizacyjnej i ukazano aktorów wprowadzających zmiany oraz wzorce, do jakich odwoływali się, projektując zmiany. Do analizy wybrano organa kontroli wewnętrznej administracji państwowej. Prawnicze wykształcenie osób wprowadzających zmiany pozwoliło na ukazanie implementacji kategorii i kryteriów właściwych zarządzaniu w środowisku wyrosłym z tradycji prawniczych.