Paolo Torresan
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 15, Numer 2, Tom 15 (2015), s. 133 - 154 this article, we consider a reading test developed by the CILS Certification Centre of the Università per Stranieri di Siena, designed for students of Italian as a Foreign Language. The so-called “information detection test” is a variant of a true/false test. We have studied the design of the test (level B1, summer 2009), examined its goals, collected data based on samples tested on foreigners and natives. Numerous critical issues are identified making the tests poorly suited to the certifying body’s purposes, as we demonstrated in a previous research (Torresan 2014).
Paolo Torresan
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 2, Tom 14 (2014), s. 138 - 150 dictation and the gap-filling listening test valid and reliable tests to assess oral comprehension?
Dictation and the gap-filling listening test are tests used by one of the major certifications in Italian as a foreign language, CILS (Università per Stranieri, Siena). They are intended to assess listening ability at lower levels for a specific audience (cf. Appendix 1). We believe that the validity and reliability of both types of test are questionable: it is unclear precisely what they measure and it is by no means certain that different markers’ assessment of errors made by candidates will coincide.
Paolo Torresan
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 13, Numer 2, Tom 13 (2013), s. 161 - 177
Nowe słownictwo w socjolingwistyce i w dydaktyce języka włoskiego dla obcokrajowców.
Niniejszy artykuł wprowadza i przedstawia szereg koncepcji i terminów, które autorzy rozwijali w ostatnich latach w dziedzinie nauczania języka włoskiego dla obcokrajowców. Ściślej mówiąc, takie nowe koncepcje odnoszą się do włoskiej socjolingwistyki i do nauczania tego języka, jak też do ogólnej refleksji metodologicznej.