Marzenna Cyzman
Principia, Tom 53, 2010, s. 203 - 215
Pomysł zaprezentowania i krytycznej analizy koncepcji nazw własnych sformułowanej Romana Ingardena wynika z konieczności uzupełnienia swoistej luki w pracach na temat jego ontologii, estetyki czy teorii dzieła literackiego. Refleksja o nazwach własnych pojawia się w nich bowiem nader rzadko, najczęściej w kontekście rozważań głównych, dla których stanowi jedynie przyczynek, uzupełnienie czy dygresję.
Marzenna Cyzman
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy, Numer 1 (23), 2015, s. 1 - 14
How Radical May Be the Radical Concept of Interpretation?
On the Non-dualizing Model of Interpretation by Josef Mitterer
The conception of the non-dualizing model of interpretation formulated by Josef Mitterer, is representative for his philosophy of the non-dualizing way of speaking. Founded on the anti-essentialistic and anti-ontologizing assumptions, non-dualizing model of interpretation – in opposition to the dualizing model – assumes that the interpretation starts from the text which functions as the interpretation so far changed in the interpretation from now. The aim of the interpretation – understood as a process – is the change, not the truth. As the consequence, plurality of interpretation is preferred in the opposition to the notion of the only one, true or adequate interpretation. In the situation of conflicts in which there are at least two concurrent interpretation, the non-dualizing logic prefers the formulation of new descriptions to which there could be reached a kind of compromise. We do not activate the other side of the discourse as the authority which is able to solve the conflict.
This model of interpretation provokes some critical remarks, for example: the problem of the (potential) differences between description and interpretation, the notion of change as the aim of the interpretational process, the way in which new descriptions are established and stabilized. However, the non-dualizing model of interpretation seems to be an interesting option for dualizing discourses of the contemporary humanistic.