Magdalena Bartkowiak-Lerch
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 8, Numer 1, Tom 8 (2008), s. 127 - 141
The article analyses a series of topói which are characteristic for the mystic literature and which
are present in the similes of the Divine Commedy. The research takes into consideration the structure
of the whole poem – understood as a journey of the mind to God (itinerarium mentis in Deum). The
topói, analysed in the Italian poem, are then confronted with some Polish versions (in a few Polish
translations) with the aim of verifying if the structure observed in the original has been preserved also
in the translations.
Magdalena Bartkowiak-Lerch
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 16, Numer 4, Tom 16 (2016), s. 215 - 225
The aim of this paper is to examine both permanent and temporary features of the Italian youth language. First, we give a brief glance at the development of this language variety. Next, we try to give an overview of its language components, with a particular focus on the diatopic dimension. In the last few years linguists have noticed an increasing role of dialects in the youth language. The analysis of two dictionaries of Italian youth slang, published within 35 years, seems to confirm this tendency.
Magdalena Bartkowiak-Lerch
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2020, s. 1 - 11 Oneiric Travel of Polifilo: Between Locus Horridus and Locus Amoenus
The aim of this paper is to propose a lecture of some initial passages of Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, written by Francesco Colonna and published in 1499. First, we try to go through the tradition of descritpio locorum in ancient rhetoric treatises and the literary production, with respect to two frequent topoi: locus amoenus and locus horridus. We also follow their formal modifications in the Middle Ages, as Colonna draws both from the ancient and medieval tradition in its own construction of loci. Our premise is that the place description in the Colonna’s opera, apart from being an important support for the narrative thread, plays an important structural role by ordinating events and helping that way their memorization. Moreover, the setting of imagery elements of the described places offers a clear interpretation key to the allegorical journey of Polifilo.
Magdalena Bartkowiak-Lerch
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 4, Tom 14 (2014), s. 251 - 264 conceptualization in a series of similes of the Divine Comedy
The article presents attempt of a lecture of a series of similes selected from the Divine Comedy from the functional perspective. It means that we search the illustrative function of the series with respect to the cognitive passage of the protagonist from the mediaeval condition of alienatio through that of peregrinatio towards ordo. The condition change is observable in movement conceptualization in the three dantesque kingdoms. The basis for the observation is offered by similes which seem to form a pattern of meaning. After having drawn some conclusions about this function of the similes, we carry out analysis of two Polish translations of the Divine Comedy in order to identify the same characteristics, detected in the original, in those version of the Poem.
Magdalena Bartkowiak-Lerch
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 83 - 87 the requirements of good communication in the book by Kamila Miłkowska-Samul (S)cortesia e social network. Opportunità e rischi del dibattito pubblico su Facebook
The article aims to discuss the latest book by Kamila Miłkowska-Samul, entitled (S)cortesia e social network. Opportunità e rischi del dibattito pubblico su Facebook, published in 2019. It is the second time that the author takes up the subject of the language of Italian politics, this time in a pragmalinguistic and communicative perspective. The interpretation key to which the analysis of numerous examples of politicians’ statements on Facebook was subordinated is the theory of politeness (or impoliteness). The reader will also find an in-depth study of individual theoretical component issues: concerning the language of the Internet, politics, and the already mentioned theory of politeness and related sociopragmalinguistic issues.