Katarzyna Tomaszek
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 27, Numer 4, 2022, s. 85 - 99
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843879PR.22.026.18085High school graduates usually suffer from stress one month before the final exams. The research’s aim was to compare the depression and burnout symptoms measured in April 2019 (before the pandemic) and in April 2020 (during the pandemic) in the Polish high school students. The results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected adolescent girls more than boys, leading to higher rates of depression, student burnout, and imbalanced time perspective. Females perceived lower family acceptance than boys. Males were less depressed and more burned out during the pandemic than before, while girls not only were more burned out but were also more depressed, were imbalanced in their time perspective, and perceived lower family acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic than before the outbreak.
Katarzyna Tomaszek
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 28, Numer 2, 2023, s. 43 - 61
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843879PR.23.015.19852Katarzyna Tomaszek
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 26, Numer 4, 2021, s. 45 - 59
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843879PR.21.026.15482The Mediating Role of Health Behaviors on the Relationship between Personality Traits and Psychological Well-being
This study examined the role of health behaviors in the relationship between personality traits and psychological well-being. The sample consisted of 147 participants (51% female), aged between 20 and 35 years. Respondents completed the NEO-FFI Personality Inventory, Psychological Well-being Scale (PWBS), and Health Behaviour Inventory (IZZ). The results confirmed the significant relationships between the personality traits, health behaviors and psychological well-being. Extraversion, conscientiousness and neuroticism were related to health behaviors. Personality traits appeared as significant predictors of psychological well-being (68% of explained variances in PWBS). The health behaviors mediated the relationship between three abovementioned personality traits and psychological well-being. A higher health behavior score was shown to reduce the strength of the effect of personality traits on psychological well-being. Findings indicate that personality traits are important in designing health programs to improve mental health.
Katarzyna Tomaszek
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 1, 2017, s. 29 - 45
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843879PR.17.002.6416Student School Engagement as a Multidimensional Construct
The article describes selected theoretical perspectives on student school engagement. School engagement is a meta-construct including a wide spectrum of mental attitudes such as: the sense of belonging to a school, acceptance of the goals of schooling, psychological investment in an effort directed toward learning, understanding, or mastering the knowledge, skills, or crafts that academic work is intended to promote, as well as emotional involvement with school, including the student’s motivation to learn. Specific dimensions of student engagement were described as cognitive, affective and behavioral. School disengagement is a predictor of risk behavior, delinquency, proactive aggression, substance abuse, school drop-out syndrome and school burnout.
Katarzyna Tomaszek
Niepełnosprawność, Nr 36 (2019), 2019, s. 63 - 80
https://doi.org/10.4467/25439561.NP.19.046.12289Artykuł dotyczy problematyki wypalenia szkolnego uczniów ze szkół podstawowych. Głównym celem prowadzonych analiz jest walidacja skali wypalenia ESSBS w tej grupie wiekowej. W bada-niach wykorzystano skalę ESSBS, skalę TAB oraz Arkusz Personalny. Łącznie przebadano 144 uczniów z klas V i VI szkół podstawowych w wieku 11 lat. Przeprowadzone analizy statys-tycznych potwierdzają przydatność skali ESSBS w badaniach uczniów ze szkół podstawowych. Skala cechuje się wysoką zgodnością wewnętrzną (a = .87) i dobrą trafnością. W badanej grupie prawie połowa osób doświadczała wypalenia. W grupie uczniów wyłoniono dwa typy wypalenia: Uczniowie niedopasowani do wymagań ze strony szkoły i rodzicóworaz Uczniowie z silnym poczuciem wyczerpania. Wyniki analiz korelacyjnych potwierdzają, że uczniowie wypaleni prezentują wyższe wskaźniki Wzoru Zachowania typu A, z nasilonym pośpiechem i wrogością.
Application of the ESSBS scale to primaryschoolstudents
The article presents the issue of school burn out of primary school pupils.The main goal of the conducted analyzes is to validate the scale of ESSBS burn out in this age group.The studies used the ESSBS scale, the TAB scale and the Personnel questionnaire. In total, 144 students from grades V and VI at the age of 11 were examined. The statistical analyzes carried out confirm the use ful-ness of the ESSBS scale in the research of primary school pupils. The scale is characterized by high internal consistency (a = .87) and good accuracy. In the study group, almost half of the people experienced burn out. In the group of students, two types of burn out were selected: Students mismat ched to the requirements of the school and parents and Students with a strong sense of ex-haustion. Correlation analysis results confirm that burned students present high errates of Type A Behawior Pattern, with increased haste and hostility.
Keywords: school burn out, students; type A behawior, adolescents