Justyna Sarzyńska
Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 9, 2016, s. 37 - 50
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843895RK.16.004.6410Can cognitive training be effective?
Following the initial wave of interest in the possibilities of improving human mind efficiency through computerized cognitive training, we are currently experiencing a wave of criticism and disappointment in their effectiveness. This text includes an analysis of the most important studies on the effectiveness of cognitive training (mainly attention and working memory training). The authors attempted to determine the effectiveness of this type of conditioning, inquiring what kind of interventions (and among what types of subjects) can produce satisfactory results. They discuss factors such as target group, training’s duration and intensity, type and difficulty level of used tasks, motivation and individual differences of the subjects. The effect of improving both trained functions (near-transfer effect) and other, non-trained capacities (far-transfer effect) was analyzed.
Justyna Sarzyńska
Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 3, 2009, s. 133 - 138