Grażyna Piechota
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 10, Numer 2, 2022, s. 103 - 117 Management Strategy as a Tool to Protect the State’s Information Space (Case Study of Ukraine)
The aim of the article is to analyze the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine in the context of the current documents on that matter. The document presents exogenous and endogenous threats to the information environment of the Ukrainian state and proposes measures to combat them: protection of the information space, ensuring effective strategic communication of Ukraine, development of media education, shaping Ukrainian civic identity, and information reintegration of Ukrainian citizens living in the temporarily occupied territories. The actions taken by the Ukrainian society after the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 prove that the implementation of strategic documents on information security is highly effective.
Grażyna Piechota
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 1 (241), 2020, s. 115 - 132żyna Piechota
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 8, Numer 4, 2020, s. 347 - 370 article contains an analysis of contextual models used for propaganda activities carried out in two state television stations – RT and CCTV, in connection with the protests in Hong Kong that have been ongoing since June 2019. The research, referred to in the text, is an analysis of the narrative created in connection with the protests on both televisions in the context relevant to the achievement of propaganda goals by broadcasters. Storytelling built a one-sided picture of events as a tool for persuasion and influence on public opinion using the existing social and political polarization. The research was carried out using the quantitative and qualitative method. The obtained conclusions are part of the research on propaganda and contemporary distribution channels to create alternative images of reality using contextual models by mass media positioning themselves as state broadcasters.