Dorota Turska
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 16, Numer 1, 2011, s. 99 - 104
Czym jest semiotyka? Sprawozdanie z X Światowego Kongresu Semiotyki “Culture of Communication, Communication of Culture” La Coruña, Hiszpania, 22-26 września 2009
Dorota Turska
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 16, Numer 2, 2011, s. 13 - 20
Within the field of Jungian inspirations: Education as an “impulse to full development”?
The educational aims of the educational reform which is now well underway come in the form of measurable and material indicators such as the results of the external test, educational added value or test pass rate with respect to the secondary school final examinations. There is no doubt that until recently such terminology was reserved for economics. It is worth remembering that the primary aim of education, as declared in the Education Act, is “to provide an impulse to full development of each student”. By its nature, such an aim is non-measurable and intangible. The paper shows that education subordinated to external examinations is a barrier to the comprehensive development of the young as defined in Jung’s theory. Basic functions concerning reception and valuation of information in relation to the formal requirements laid down for the secondary school final examination in Polish were analysed. The nature of these requirements may lead to the dominance of sensing-thinking type in the comprehensive cognition of a human personality. Other preferences may prove useless or simply harmful. Jung’s theory helps point out that educational requirements subordinated to measurable indicators are painfully one-sided. Consequently, they pose a serious risk of developmental fragmentation.
Dorota Turska
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 4, 2017, s. 55 - 73 Turska
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 22, Numer 2, 2017, s. 33 - 42 article is an invitation to discuss the role and tasks of a contemporary school psychologist. The main purpose of the presented theory is to outline a school psychologist’s role as a co-creator of the environment and educational process within the school setting. The introduced M-I-P-P model consists of the following psychological activities: Monitoring-Intervention-Prevention-Promotion. The need to constantly widen the possibilities of psychological action as well as to develop the ability to create autonomous plans of implementing those actions, are part of the described model. The understanding and accurate implementation of the presented model are key to the school psychologist’s professional future, just as a clearly outlined and articulate professional identity is the necessary basis and regulator of one’s functioning in the professional environment.
Dorota Turska
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 16, Numer 2, 2011, s. 99 - 102
Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Edukacja matematyczna dzieci (Children’s Mathematical Education – CME 2010). Motywacja poprzez naturalne zróżnicowanie”.
Iwonicz-Zdrój, 24–29 sierpnia 2010
Dorota Turska
Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 14, Numer 1, 2009, s. 27 - 34
Sources of the myths on creative activity and their educational implications
The personological trend inpsychology of creativity has underlined the exceptionality of the creator and the creative process. This point of view forms social attitudes and convictions rela-ted to criteria of selection of human behavior and works worth recording. Opinions appear in literaturę that the aforementioned convictions take on the form of myths about creativity.
Mythical comdctions about creativity may be the essence of so-called hidden theories of creativity, which arę employed not only by laymen but also by professionals - like teachers. I intend to explain in this manner the difference between teacher's declarations about their affirmation ofpupiPs creativity and their activity in practice.
The article contains a review of current educational research, and its effects on the influence of myths concerning creativity and their negative implications on education.