Bernard Twaróg
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (18) 2015, 2015, s. 147 - 156 study contains an analysis of the Alden turbine with a power level of 5.0 MW in the Dobczyce power plant. Taking into account results of annalysis, it may be concluded that the contemplated use of the Alden turbine in the Dobczyce power plant is close to the limits of practical applicability and economic viability of this solution. The average annual energy output value achieved using the Kaplan turbines oscillates around 9 GWh, and if the turbines are replaced with an Alden turbine, the estimated average annual output may reach a maximum of 10.6 GWh which represents an increase in power output of about 17%.
Bernard Twaróg
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 2-Ś (24) 2015, 2015, s. 141 - 169 case study of the Racibórz reservoir discusses the application of a determination method of characteristic flow values below retention reservoirs. The study describes the selected theoretical foundations, the individual steps of the Monte Carlo (MC) method used to generate hypothetical flood wave hydrographs, and the results of simulations leading to the determination of characteristic flow values below retention reservoirs. The method is based on probability density functions for a multidimensional random variable obtained using copula link functions. The results of the analyses are represented in tables and graphs. The results of the simulation analysis are presented for comparison purposes, assuming a constant and a variable time for the hypothetical base flood elevation.
Bernard Twaróg
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 2 Year 2018 (115), 2018, s. 187 - 209 analytical and computational techniques enable the researcher to define interaction between varying flow rates, varying volumes of filling water and the deformation and stresses occurring in the structural components of a hydraulic structure. This study aims to describe and create visualisations, under selected operating conditions, of displacements, deformations and stresses of a hydraulic structure resulting from loads generated by hydraulic conditions in standard components of the structure. A sample analysis was carried out for the Niedów earthen dam on the Witka River that failed in 2010 due to a disastrous inflow. The scope of this analysis covers the components of the spillway section: the spillway monolith, the dissipation basin slab and the flip bucket. The results of analytical work and visualisations are shown using the Flow3D software program.
Bernard Twaróg
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 1 Year 2019 (116), 2019, s. 143 - 166 the analysis of the reactive work of the Alden turbine, two systems of energy recovery were utilized: conical, a straight suction pipe, and a curved diffusor – the so-called bend. The simulations executed on both the systems allowed the operation and selected installation components to be described. Full distribution curves for pressures, velocities were presented, and spectral analyses of pressure fluctuations for the selected points over and under the turbine rotor were also performed. For some structural parts, by means of the FSI – Fluid System Interaction model – the distributions of main stresses and strains according to von Mises theory were illustrated. Additionally, the shapes of deformed installations parts caused by unsymmetrical loads generated mainly by a turbulent water flow were presented.
Analiza pracy reakcyjnej turbiny Aldena
W prezentowanej analizie pracy reakcyjnej turbiny Aldena wykorzystano dwa systemy odzyskiwania energii: rurę ssącą w postaci stożkowej oraz krzywaka. Symulacje wykonane w obu systemach pozwoliły na prezentacje wyników oraz szczegółowy opis pracy wybranych komponentów instalacji. Przedstawiono krzywe zmian ciśnień oraz prędkości, a także przeprowadzono analizę spektralną pulsacji ciśnienia dla wybranych punktów nad i pod wirnikiem turbiny. W przypadku wybranych elementów konstrukcyjnych z zastosowaniem teorii FSI zilustrowano rozkłady naprężeń według teorii von Misesa. Ponadto przedstawiono kształty zdeformowanych części instalacji spowodowane przez niesymetryczne obciążenia generowane głównie przez turbulentny przepływ wody.