Barbara Kożuch
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(4), 2014, s. 27-38
Background. Emergency management requires flexibility and adaptation to dynamic and changing circumstances. The urgent requirements and high standards of responsiveness in terms of emergency management depend on horizontal and vertical communication in that these are one of the main factors associated with the appropriate coordination of many essentially independent organisations.
Research aims. The paper attempts to identify the determinants of effective communication, particularly in regard to close coordination, as well as the role played by these processes in the management of local emergency networks.
Method. This work consists of a theory-based empirical study. It is qualitative in nature and the research method is based on both desk research and field research. The research was conducted as part of a research project entitled "Coordination, communication and trust as factors driving effective inter-organisational collaboration in the public safety management system " (DEC-2012/07/D/HS4/00537).
Key findings. As a result, the new role of communication as a factor associated with the appropriate coordination in local emergency networks is identified.
Barbara Kożuch
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(1), 2015, s. 91-104
Background. Emergency management requires flexibility and adaptation to dynamic and changing circumstances. The urgent requirements and high standards of responsiveness in terms of emergency management depend on horizontal and vertical communication since this is of the main factors associated with the appropriate coordination of many essentially independent organisations.
Research aims. The paper attempts to identify the determinants of effective communication, particularly in regard to close coordination, as well as the role played by these processes in the management of local emergency networks.
Method. This work consists of a theory-based empirical study. It is qualitative in nature and the research method is based on both desk research and field research. The research was conducted as part of a research project entitled "Coordination, communication and trust as factors driving effective inter-organisational collaboration in the public safety management system " (DEC-2012/07/D/HS4/00537) financed by the National Science Centre.
Key findings. As a result, the new role of communication as a factor associated with the appropriate coordination in local emergency networks was identified
Barbara Kożuch
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(3), 2013, s. 8-25
Background. Innovations in public management tend to be defined as creative ideas put into practice by management seeking to resolve persistent problems that are faced while pursuing the public interest. Inter-organizational collaboration fuels the effective accomplishment of ventures launched within organizations and is regarded as one of the methods for creating and implementing innovations.
Research aims. Therefore, the overarching objective of this paper is to investigate the correlations between inter-organizational collaboration and the creation of organizational innovations.
Method. The paper was drawn from literature studies and empirical research. It gives an insight into the requirements for inter-organizational collaboration in public management with an emphasis on creating innovations. Literature studies were partly illustrated using empirical findings from research conducted in 2010 in commune offices located in the south of Poland (in the Małopolskie province).
Key findings. Surveys were carried out which led to the affirmation that the needs and benefits, in terms of creation of innovations as part of inter-organizational collaboration in public management, attained visibility and recognition, although common practice within local government units fails to reaffirm this. Different replies to the implementation gaps of inter-organizational collaboration have been rendered, but there was no conclusive answer about how to achieve implementation.
Barbara Kożuch
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 123-144 background: Inter-organisational collaboration is contemporarily the basis for functioning of a public sector organisation. However, it is not a simple process and it does not always help to achieve the assumed goals. Its course is determined by factors related to various aspects of an organisation’s activity, among which many have key significance.
Research aim: The main objective of this paper is to identify and rate the key factors contributing to effective inter-organisational collaboration in the public sector.
Methodology: The research is based on desk research methodology and the hermeneutic process within a focus group.
Key findings: As a result of the conducted research we identified the key factors of Inter-organisational collaboration in the public sector. We also evaluated the power of influence and the power of relations of these factors, which enabled ascertaining which of them determine the success of collaboration between organisations.
Barbara Kożuch
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (31), 2015, s. 237-253 of inter-organizational collaboration processes on the example of the activities carried out in public safety
Public safety management is a social process aimed at ensuring an optimal level of safety at an area of the specified administrative unit. The scope of public safety management extends from social policy, through regional policy, crime policy, to emergency management. This process is co-created by entities operating in the one administrative area under existing capabilities and limitations as well as the dynamic changes in the environment. However the literature points out the insufficient collaboration between public administrative units. Furthermore, the lack of a process approach can lead to disturbances in coordination and activities duplication. Therefore the goal of this paper is to identify and describe the collaboration processes implemented in the public safety management.
Barbara Kożuch
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (22), 2013, s. 137-147
Entrepreneurship in local management
Article is devoted to a specific managerial activities carried out by the local government, consisting of the collective (or public) entrepreneurship. The paper attempts to identify the main characteristics of the entrepreneurial local management.
Barbara Kożuch
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (35), 2016, s. 263-267 Kożuch
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (36), 2016, s. 303-320 knowledge sharing conditions at a university
Purpose of the article is empirical verification of factors of efficient knowledge sharing by scientific workers of universities, existing in literature of the subjects, and an attempt to identify the most significant of them. The illustrative empirical data were obtained through a research tool in a form of a survey questionnaire, addressed to workers employed on scientific and didactic positions at universities located in Poland. The realized research allowed to specify previous knowledge related to premises of knowledge sharing, with regard to the knowledge workers. Results of the performed research suggest that these factors are mainly of a resourceful nature. The obtained results not only confirm but also complement the theoretical basis for knowledge sharing in the academic environment.
Barbara Kożuch
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (8), 2009, s. 11-24
In a paper is made attempt to know the essence o public management. Special attention is paid to beginnings of scientifi c thinking about public management and to many misunderstanding connected with managing public organizations. Evolution of public management concepts reflected In model of public management was fund out. The essence of this kind o management was recognized as a management based on commonly shared values shaping public interest.
Barbara Kożuch
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 33-44