Barbara Godlewska-Bujok
Radca Prawny, 2 (35), 2023, s. 11-26 balance the Polish way – key thoughts after the 2023 amendment
The article concerns the method and effects of implementing Directive 2019/1158 in the field of work-life balance. The author refers to the most important thematic areas of amendments, i.e. mainly parental rights, and places them in the context of work-life balance and working time. The author indicates the most important problems regarding the implementation of the so-called work-life balance directive in this context. There are still many unsolved issues and most impor-tantly the question of whether all changes were equally necessary. The author also raises the issue of working time as a key element in the interpretation of changes in the labor law system.
Barbara Godlewska-Bujok
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 25 Zeszyt 4, Volume 25 (2018), s. 367-374 the employment law and its relations to social policy
Labour law is constantly subject to the process of change. This is because the social and economic conditions are constantly changing. The multitude of factors affecting the shape of change causes difficulties in determining how the labour law should look like and to whom it should serve. Labour law can be treated as an instrument of social policy only to a limited extent – in the framework of semiimperative norms.
JEL: | K31 |
ASJC: | 3309 |
Barbara Godlewska-Bujok
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 24 Zeszyt 2, Volume 24 (2017), s. 165-172 – next stage of development or violence legitimated?