‘Breakfast TV’ in Germany and Poland. Composition, Structure, Content
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETelewizja śniadaniowa w Polsce i w Niemczech. Format – Struktura – Zawartość
Publication date: 29.12.2014
Media Research Issues, 2014, Volume 57, Issue 3 (219), pp. 536 - 564
Telewizja śniadaniowa w Polsce i w Niemczech. Format – Struktura – Zawartość
‘Breakfast TV’ in Germany and Poland. Composition, Structure, Content
The aim of the following article is to compare two of the most popular TV programs of the so-called ‘Breakfast TV’ genre: Polish ‘Kawa czy herbata?’ and ‘Morgenmagazin’, its German equivalent. After a short historical outline of both programs and the definition of the idea of ‘Breakfast TV’, the author analyses the complex structure of this kind of TV programs as well as their form and content. In order to capture the viewers’ attention so early in the day, ‘Breakfast TV’ consists of many different TV features, which have an informative, entertaining, and advisory character. The main aim of the text is to illustrate the differences and similarities among the two above-mentioned TV programs.
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Information: Media Research Issues, 2014, Volume 57, Issue 3 (219), pp. 536 - 564
Article type: Original article
Telewizja śniadaniowa w Polsce i w Niemczech. Format – Struktura – Zawartość
‘Breakfast TV’ in Germany and Poland. Composition, Structure, Content
Faculty of History, University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa
Published at: 29.12.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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