Social campaigns promoting health in Poland – case studies
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPolskie kampanie społeczne promujące zdrowie – analiza wybranych przykładów
Publication date: 10.10.2015
Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 2 (222), pp. 449-462
Polskie kampanie społeczne promujące zdrowie – analiza wybranych przykładów
Social campaigns promoting health in Poland – case studies
In spite of the short tradition of social marketing in Poland, it is possible to find its traditions in the idea of the health promotion. Promoting health behaviors, persuading to change lifestyle, more frequent preventive examinations and above all increasing the knowledge and the health awareness of Poles are the main objectives of social campaigns involved in communication about health. The problems most frequently taken: cancer, civilization diseases, risky sexual behaviors. Most of the campaigns aimed to increase public awareness of specific diseases, so that the recipient was aware of the need of the control tests, symptoms of illness as well as the possibility of curing. The study reveals the importance of changing the language used in the context of a particular disease, underlining the benefits of pro-health attitudes, and innovative approaches towards the recipients.
Information: Media Research Issues, 2015, Volume 58, Issue 2 (222), pp. 449-462
Article type: Original article
Polskie kampanie społeczne promujące zdrowie – analiza wybranych przykładów
Social campaigns promoting health in Poland – case studies
Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin
Published at: 10.10.2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 4606
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