Model of editing and management on the basis of polityka cooperative
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEModel redakcji i zarządzania na przykładzie Spółdzielni Pracy „Polityka”
Publication date: 29.12.2014
Media Research Issues, 2014, Volume 57, Issue 3 (219), pp. 472 - 492
Model redakcji i zarządzania na przykładzie Spółdzielni Pracy „Polityka”
Model of editing and management on the basis of polityka cooperative
The main purpose of this article is to present the methods of functioning and the management model of a cooperative – a specific organization form of a press title. The analysis concerns the weekly newspaper Polityka, between 1990 and 2012, based on formal and legal aspects of the paper, the organization of its editorial board, and market competitiveness. Furthermore, in the article I discuss important changes in the content and graphic design that were introduced due to the reading habits of a new type of audience. Moreover, I review the forms of the publishing business, social activities, etc., which strengthen the Polityka influence on public opinion. In my analysis the historical context is considered.
The paper is an empirical review. It was based on chronicles of the weekly written by M. Radkowski and W. Władyka (in the descriptive and historical part) and source material: annual volumes of this magazine, ZKPD lists (comparative analysis).
On the basis of measurable data (circulation, copy price, sales), it may be stated that the adopted form of a cooperative was a factor bringing forward the decision to change the structure and appearance of the weekly as well as the development of other activities such as building the brand, editorial politics (Res Publica Nowa, Forum, book series, etc.). Common responsibility for the newspaper consolidated the editorial team, while the continuity of the title – as a result of the marketing efforts – has become an added value.
The analysis of Polityka confirms the thesis about the importance of long-term projects implemented by one editor, combining the attributes of a strong personality and good management skills (Jerzy Baczyński).
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Information: Media Research Issues, 2014, Volume 57, Issue 3 (219), pp. 472 - 492
Article type: Original article
Model redakcji i zarządzania na przykładzie Spółdzielni Pracy „Polityka”
Model of editing and management on the basis of polityka cooperative
Faculty Of Political Science Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Plac Litewski 3, 20-080 Lublin
Published at: 29.12.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 2012
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