Media agenda and the agenda of real world factors
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAgenda mediów informacyjnych a agenda świata rzeczywistego
Publication date: 07.12.2016
Media Research Issues, 2016, Volume 59, Issue 4 (228), pp. 629-653
Agenda mediów informacyjnych a agenda świata rzeczywistego
Media agenda and the agenda of real world factors
he studies devoted to the relationship of media agenda and real world factors agenda are rarely undertaken in Poland, although they are of essential meaning for the field in the intersection of media studies and political science. The concept of media agenda is applied in the meaning of the hierarchy of issues presented by the news media, which are, at the same time, the main source of information about the real world for citizens. The real world agenda comprises of real world factors, such as economic or social indicators. The main goal of the study was to answer the question if (and to what degree) the transfer of issues from real world agenda to the media agenda takes place. Also the differences regarding the degree of real world reflection in various media channels and in election and non-election time were the subject of the analysis. The results indicated that the real world agenda is generally not reflected in the news media agenda in Poland in the selected periods of 2014 and 2015. The independent variable of media channel had not significant impact in this regard. However, certain differences between election and non-election time were possible to observe. In the election time selected types if issues were more strongly reflected in the news media.
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Information: Media Research Issues, 2016, Volume 59, Issue 4 (228), pp. 629-653
Article type: Original article
Agenda mediów informacyjnych a agenda świata rzeczywistego
Media agenda and the agenda of real world factors
Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin
Published at: 07.12.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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