Between National History and European Heritage. Some Reflections on the Gdańsk Shipyards and the European Heritage Label
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEMiędzy narodową historią a dziedzictwem europejskim. Kilka uwag o Stoczni Gdańskiej posiadającej Znak Dziedzictwa Europejskiego
Publication date: 17.09.2014
Culture Management, 2014, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 321 - 334 .14.022.2313Authors
Między narodową historią a dziedzictwem europejskim. Kilka uwag o Stoczni Gdańskiej posiadającej Znak Dziedzictwa Europejskiego
Between National History and European Heritage. Some Reflections on the Gdańsk Shipyards and the European Heritage Label
In the context of increasing interest in a common European heritage or European lieux de mémoire, this paper presents some reflections on the Europeanization of national lieux de mémoire, as exemplified by the Gdańsk Shipyards and the „European Heritage Label” initiative.
Furthermore, the article investigates the process of institutional invention of European heritage in the context of the gradual expansion of the European Union and a strong need to forge a new representation of the past on the Old Continent. The paper also refers to the concept of heritage, its political use and perspectives in which the concept of a political myth/mythology is applicable.
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Information: Culture Management, 2014, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 321 - 334
Article type: Original article
Między narodową historią a dziedzictwem europejskim. Kilka uwag o Stoczni Gdańskiej posiadającej Znak Dziedzictwa Europejskiego
Between National History and European Heritage. Some Reflections on the Gdańsk Shipyards and the European Heritage Label
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 17.09.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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