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Zarządzanie procesowe w legislacji

Publication date: 09.11.2016

Public Management, 2016, Issue 3 (35), pp. 169 - 179



Marek Szelągowski
Vistula University, ul. Stokłosy 3, 02-787 Warszawa
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Zarządzanie procesowe w legislacji


Process management in the legislation process

For years, we have consistently strived to enact high-quality legislation, or, in other words, legislation which is comprehensible to its recipients, transparent, uncomplicated, and devoid of legal loopholes and contradictions. In order to bring about a genuine improvement in this regard, it is possible to introduce enhancements to both the process of formulating the goals of changing legislation, as well as to the process-based design of selected legal acts, and acts of a procedural nature in particular.
The article presents the efforts which the legislators have undertaken to-date in order to eliminate faults to the legislation process which allow for the creation of contradictory, ambiguous, and overly complicated legislation. The article also presents the actions undertaken in order to implement the methodology, best practices, and tools associated with business process management which have proved to be successful in the business sphere in the field of legislation.


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Information: Public Management, 2016, Issue 3 (35), pp. 169 - 179

Article type: Original article



Zarządzanie procesowe w legislacji


Process management in the legislation process


Vistula University, ul. Stokłosy 3, 02-787 Warszawa

Published at: 09.11.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Marek Szelągowski (Author) - 100%

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View count: 2538

Number of downloads: 1004

<p> Process management in the legislation process</p>