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Foresight regionalny w projektowaniu polityki rozwoju

Publication date: 2014

Public Management, 2011, Issue 1 (13), pp. 65 - 81



Bożydar Ziółkowski
Rzeszow University of Technology
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Foresight regionalny w projektowaniu polityki rozwoju


Foresight is an instrument of strategic planning proved in enterprises and in public policy. The aim of this paper is presentation of the foresight role as well as related to it experiences during creation of regional development policy with a special attention laid to key success factor


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Information: Public Management, 2011, Issue 1 (13), pp. 65 - 81

Article type: Original article



Foresight regionalny w projektowaniu polityki rozwoju


Regional foresight in creation of development policy


Rzeszow University of Technology

Published at: 2014

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Bożydar Ziółkowski (Author) - 100%

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View count: 2299

Number of downloads: 1381

<p> Regional foresight in creation of development policy</p>