Uwarunkowania procesu pojednania w Kambodży

Publication date: 2020

Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), 2020, Volume 14, pp. 267 - 280



Radosław Zarzecki
Department of Eastern Research, University of Wroclaw (Poland)
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9033-9857 Orcid
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Uwarunkowania procesu pojednania w Kambodży


Determinants of Reconciliation in Cambodia

Forty years after Cambodian genocide the reconciliation is still in early stage. Despite such long time there was almost nothing done, especially in 20th century, to make that process happened. The article discusses the determinants, reasons and factors that had impact on reconciliation. Determinants can be divided into different categories. First of all the socio-historical background. Circumstances in which Khmer Rouge come to power, their revolutionary approach to economy, implemented reforms, use of children, displacements of people and categorization of citizens had great impact on post-1979 Cambodia. Another determinant is a political one. Policy of post-Khmer Rouge Cambodia rulers stunted the reconciliation. There reason of such actions are multidimensional but the most important one is provenance of People’s Republic of Kampuchea leaders. The most important figures in Cambodia politics are ex-Khmer Rouge soldiers, accused by some of taking a part in genocide. What’s even more confusing, the most powerful opposition party in 1980s were perpetrators themselves and their allies. Even after signing Paris Peace Accords in 1991 until early 2000s there was no will to punish Khmer Rouge officials responsible for genocide. The Cambodian culture of silence, the third determinant, only exacerbates a difficult situation. Cambodians rarely speak about atrocities and harsh past because of fear, shame or trauma. Even in school textbooks until 2009 there was almost nothing said about tragic events which happened between 1975 and 1979. History of Democratic Kampuchea still affects the Cambodian society. Despite sentencing few Khmer Rouge officials in 2010s, there’s still lot to be done also on state-level. Reconciliation and coming back to the state of balance is the main challenge for Cambodia in the nearest future, crucially important to social and political life of this nation.


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Information: Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), 2020, Volume 14, pp. 267 - 280

Article type: Original article



Uwarunkowania procesu pojednania w Kambodży


Determinants of Reconciliation in Cambodia



Radosław Zarzecki
Department of Eastern Research, University of Wroclaw (Poland)
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9033-9857 Orcid
All publications →

Department of Eastern Research, University of Wroclaw (Poland)

Published at: 2020

Article status: Open

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<p> Determinants of Reconciliation in Cambodia</p>