Trailing back from quasi decentralisation to centralisation. Municipal reform in Hungary
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETrailing back from quasi decentralisation to centralisation. Municipal reform in Hungary
Publication date: 2020
Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), 2020, Volume 14, pp. 117 - 137
Trailing back from quasi decentralisation to centralisation. Municipal reform in Hungary
Trailing back from quasi decentralisation to centralisation. Municipal reform in Hungary
It is very difficult to group countries and state structures according to the extent of their decentralization or the model they follow in the spatial distribution of power. The bounds of responsibility of local government and the state, the distribution of the roles and tasks between the two stakeholders and the question of centralization and decentralization are issues regularly debated in recent years and today.
This topic is not merely a public administration, financial or state organization issue since these decisions have a direct impact on citizens’ lives through public services.
In my study I wish to introduce this process via Hungary’s example. I also examine how and what those concerned by the financial and political changes, i.e. the population perceived of this most important structural transformation of the period since the transition in 1989. Can it be verified from the consumers’ point of view that the transformation of the local municipal system improves the quality of service provision?
* Research for this paper was supported by the following grant: EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017- 00007 Young researchers from talented students – Fostering scientific careers in higher education.
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Information: Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), 2020, Volume 14, pp. 117 - 137
Article type: Original article
Trailing back from quasi decentralisation to centralisation. Municipal reform in Hungary
Trailing back from quasi decentralisation to centralisation. Municipal reform in Hungary
University of Pécs; Pécs, Dohány u. 1-3, 7622 Hungary
Published at: 2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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