Violence and Power – the Question about Security in the Conditions of Communicative Oppression. Mythology of Repeated Communism
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPrzemoc i władza – pytanie o bezpieczeństwo w warunkach komunikacyjnej opresji. Mitologia powtórzonego komunizmu
Publication date: 2018
Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), 2018, Volume 12, pp. 309 - 320
Przemoc i władza – pytanie o bezpieczeństwo w warunkach komunikacyjnej opresji. Mitologia powtórzonego komunizmu
Violence and Power – the Question about Security in the Conditions of Communicative Oppression. Mythology of Repeated Communism
The reality of the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, which on the one hand has eradicated the notion of violence from the ideational sphere, the sphere of constructing social-political entities, on the other hand, by eradicating violence as a tool of building new social orders, has kept and appropriated its modus, or the ways of organizing of the world, its time and space, associated with the conditions of violence. In the modern and postmodern world, violence turns out to be, not seldom, the basis of sanctioning and reinforcing the mechanisms of power. Symbolic violence – as Bourdieu wanted – the tool of influence by the dominant classes, or the violence resulting from communicative oppression – legitimization of common agreement, consensus, which, transformed into an idea – the basis of the construction of the modern world, are becoming a form of oppression, a form of imposing the only one, worked out as (seemingly) common, vision of this what is and can be a question of a conflict. The sources of such understood visions should be looked for, according to Jean-Luck Nancy, in a particular desire of man, desire, which, when started to be embodied, acquired total forms, and, finally, totalitarian ones: in the desire of transformation of the society into a “masterpiece”. The thing, which was supposed to be cemented by the realized desire (society as a masterpiece), was community, communion [communio], and, finally (as the embodiment of the postulated unity in its total form) communism.
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Information: Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), 2018, Volume 12, pp. 309 - 320
Article type: Original article
Przemoc i władza – pytanie o bezpieczeństwo w warunkach komunikacyjnej opresji. Mitologia powtórzonego komunizmu
Violence and Power – the Question about Security in the Conditions of Communicative Oppression. Mythology of Repeated Communism
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa w Poznaniu
Published at: 2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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