Kategoria mimesis i poza nią. Góry fantastyczne i ich funkcja w „mapowaniu  świata” we współczesnej literaturze dla młodego odbiorcy

Publication date: 20.08.2016

Wielogłos, 2016, Issue 1 (27) 2016: Literatura dziecięca - od nowa, pp. 41 - 64



Dorota Michułka
University of Wrocław, plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland
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Kategoria mimesis i poza nią. Góry fantastyczne i ich funkcja w „mapowaniu  świata” we współczesnej literaturze dla młodego odbiorcy


Mimesis and beyond. Fantasy mountains and their function in “world mapping” in contemporary children’s literature

In fantasy literature for children and youth, there function descriptions of space that may be categorized as part of the concept of “fantasy geography” (cf.: U. Eco). These regions are images of Arcadias, utopias, illusions, or simply “lands of fantasy” that exist without geographical or metaphysical limits (see: M. Ende – Fantastica). Imaginary worlds – which in a sense are representations of the real world – create poetics of place and space that is marked historically, socio-culturally, morally, and ethically.
In such works, mountains are a significant aspect of literary backgrounds for protagonists’ journeys. They lack such elements as: aesthetic and contemplative experiences, hierophany, or psychological effects that are associated with the element of aesthetic surprise – in other words, they lack spiritual emotions that come directly from observing and experiencing the world. Instead, they invoke emotions connected with fascination by otherness, childlike curiosity of the world, dream of adventure, activity, and humour. The beauty of mountains is in this case overshadowed by their dangerous nature, the will to overcome obstacles, and the resolve to accept the challenge.



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Information: Wielogłos, 2016, Issue 1 (27) 2016: Literatura dziecięca - od nowa, pp. 41 - 64

Article type: Original article



Kategoria mimesis i poza nią. Góry fantastyczne i ich funkcja w „mapowaniu  świata” we współczesnej literaturze dla młodego odbiorcy


Mimesis and beyond. Fantasy mountains and their function in “world mapping” in contemporary children’s literature


University of Wrocław, plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland

Published at: 20.08.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Dorota Michułka (Author) - 100%

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