Baśń jako metafora całości ludzkiego doświadczenia. O książce Jadwigi Wais Bracia Grimm i Siostra Śmierć

Publication date: 20.08.2016

Wielogłos, 2016, Issue 1 (27) 2016: Literatura dziecięca - od nowa, pp. 99 - 109



Urszula Łosiowska
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Baśń jako metafora całości ludzkiego doświadczenia. O książce Jadwigi Wais Bracia Grimm i Siostra Śmierć


The fairy-tale as a metaphor for the whole of human experience

This article treats about the book The Brothers Grimm and the Sister Death of Jadwiga Wais, which is about circumstances attending a passing, inalienable subjectivity of moribund, ways of handling with the fear of death, and interprets selected writings of Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. The fairy-tale serving a therapeutic and compensatory functions and being a narration, can be and it is the very important element of education not only to life, but also to death understood as an immanent part of lifetime. It is also part of children’s literature focusing on death issue and facing with often parents and teachers helplessness with conversations about this difficult theme. Fairy-tales by using metaphors have an ability of gradually uncovering next, important for development contents, which have also cognitive nature, and answer the individual fear of Unknown.



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Information: Wielogłos, 2016, Issue 1 (27) 2016: Literatura dziecięca - od nowa, pp. 99 - 109

Article type: Original article



Baśń jako metafora całości ludzkiego doświadczenia. O książce Jadwigi Wais Bracia Grimm i Siostra Śmierć


The fairy-tale as a metaphor for the whole of human experience

Published at: 20.08.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Urszula Łosiowska (Author) - 100%

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