Labour Law in the 20th Century as a Response to the Climate Crisis in Poland. Pro-climate Attitudes Versus the Obligations of the Parties to the Employment Relationship
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RIS BIB ENDNOTELabour Law in the 20th Century as a Response to the Climate Crisis in Poland. Pro-climate Attitudes Versus the Obligations of the Parties to the Employment Relationship
Publication date: 11.2023
Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy, Volume 30 (2023), Volume 30 Issue 4, pp. 295-308
Labour Law in the 20th Century as a Response to the Climate Crisis in Poland. Pro-climate Attitudes Versus the Obligations of the Parties to the Employment Relationship
The starting point for further consideration is that climate change and humanity’s contribution to this process is an indisputable global fact. The article puts forward the thesis that certain provisions of the Labour Code—either existing since its enactment (i.e. since 1974) or introduced later but before 2000 (the title labour law of the 20th century)—show a visible “pro-climate potential”. This potential should be understood in that they can become an effective instrument in the fight against climate change.
The analysis examines: 1) the employer’s obligation to respect the dignity and personal rights of employees, 2) the employee’s duty to respect the interest of the work establishment and 3) the employer’s obligation to contribute to shaping the principles of social coexistence in the workplace and the related employee’s obligation to respect these principles. The option to use multiple legal constructions and protective mechanisms in parallel when determining the responsibility of the employee or the employer reinforces the importance of pro-climate behaviour in the workplace. Nevertheless, not all of the mentioned legal instruments will always be able to be applied when categorising a specific event.
ASJC: 3308, JEL: K31
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Court sentences
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Judgment of the Supreme Court of 9 February 2006, II PK 160/05, OSNP 2007, No. 1–2, item 4.
Judgment of the Supreme Court of 6 March 2006, II PK 211/05, OSNP 2007, No. 1–2, item 10.
Judgment of the Supreme Court of 5 March 2007, I PK 228/06, LEX 376145.
Judgment of the Supreme Court of 2 April 2008, II PK 268/07, OSNP 2009, No. 15–16, item 201.
Judgment of the Supreme Court of 9 July 2008, I PK 2/08, LEX 531844.
Judgment of the Supreme Court of 6 November 2009, III PK 43/09, OSNP 2011, No. 11–12, item 149.
Judgment of the Supreme Court of 6 May 2010, II CSK 640/09, LEX 598758.
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Judgment of the Supreme Court of 28 May 2021, III CZP 27/20, LEX 3180102
Decision of the Supreme Court of 23 May 2014, II PK 32/14, LEX 2026395.
Decision of the Supreme Court of 25 June 2019, II PK 175/18, LEX 2685417.
Decision of the Supreme Court of 16 March 2022, II PSK 275/21, LEX 3411660.
Information: Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy, Volume 30 (2023), Volume 30 Issue 4, pp. 295-308
Article type: Original article
Labour Law in the 20th Century as a Response to the Climate Crisis in Poland. Pro-climate Attitudes Versus the Obligations of the Parties to the Employment Relationship
Labour Law in the 20th Century as a Response to the Climate Crisis in Poland. Pro-climate Attitudes Versus the Obligations of the Parties to the Employment Relationship
Silesia University, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
University of Lodz, Poland, ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź
Published at: 11.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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