Universal Basic Income from the Perspective of Catholic Social Thought
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEIdea bezwarunkowego dochodu podstawowego w katolickiej myśli społecznej
Publication date: 20.12.2019
Studia Religiologica, 2019, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 325 - 338
Idea bezwarunkowego dochodu podstawowego w katolickiej myśli społecznej
Universal Basic Income from the Perspective of Catholic Social Thought
A universal basic income is a government guarantee that each citizen receives a minimum income. It is also called a citizen’s income, guaranteed minimum income, or basic income. The intention behind the payment is to provide enough to cover the basic costs of living and provide financial security. The concept has regained popularity as a way to offset job losses caused by technology.The incomes would be unconditional, automatic, non-withdrawable, individual, and considered a right. The main goal of the article was to consider whether the idea of universal basic oncome income is compatible with Catholic social teaching. Opinions on this matter are still divided, and there are no official statements from the Church's Magisterium on this matter.
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Information: Studia Religiologica, 2019, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 325 - 338
Article type: Original article
Idea bezwarunkowego dochodu podstawowego w katolickiej myśli społecznej
Universal Basic Income from the Perspective of Catholic Social Thought
Institute for the Study of Religions, Jagiellonian University, Grodzka 52 31-044 Kraków
Published at: 20.12.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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