God and Difference
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEGod and Difference
Publication date: 01.12.2020
Studia Religiologica, 2020, Volume 53, Issue 4, pp. 255 - 274
God and Difference
This text begins a research project concerning those thinkers who associate the discussion about the possibility of thinking about God with the problem of difference. The main question of these considerations is this: How does God appear on the differentiated horizon, while torn by difference always conceived in a defined manner? If difference is inevitably inscribed in thought, then how is God inscribed in difference? These questions lead to another: How does difference rule in reflection on divinity? In other words: How far does the way that difference is conceived affect how we reflect upon the deity? When looking for answers to these questions, we take the first step towards Heidegger. Owing to the special status of ontological difference and the trace it leaves on thinking “on the horizon” of difference, it is with this that we begin movement toward differentiation as such. The question about God and the difference in Heidegger’s thought in this text takes the following form: How does God appear in a sphere divided by the difference between Being and beings? How does ontological difference mark the conception of God?
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Lévinas E., Proper Names, trans. M.B. Smith, Stanford 1996.
Marion J.-L., Being Given. Toward a Phenomenology of Givenness, trans. J.L. Kosky, Stanford 2002.
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Information: Studia Religiologica, 2020, Volume 53, Issue 4, pp. 255 - 274
Article type: Original article
God and Difference
God and Difference
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 01.12.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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