Chezr – Zielony Prorok

Publication date: 14.02.2013

Studia Religiologica, 2012, Volume 45, Issue 4, pp. 301 - 310



Elżbieta Wnuk-Lisowska
Institute for the Study of Religions, Jagiellonian University, Grodzka 52 31-044 Kraków
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Chezr – Zielony Prorok


Chezer – the Green Prophet

Khadir, or Khwaja Khadir (Khizr, Khezr, Arabic: “green”, “greenish”), Green Prophet (green symbolising “freshness” and new life) is a popular and familiar fi gure across Arabic countries, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, India and the Far East. The complex and mysterious fi gure of Khezr is connected with Idris, Elijah, Enoch, Saint George, and Skanda, and is associated with the water, cave, and immortality (he lives on an island or upon a green carpet in the heart of the sea, or else in the far northern country called Yuh, which seems to be an earthly paradise). Khezr is reputedly the only soul who has gained life immortal from tasting the Fountain of Life. He is still alive and continues to guide those who invoke his name. In popular Islamic lore Green Prophet is also the mysterious guide, an angel, the immortal saint and the hidden initiator of those who walk the mystical path. He appears in Sura 18, 66 (Al Kalf, “The Cave”) where together with Moses he goes on a long journey to a point where two rivers met. But his wisdom surpasses that of Moses, and has rather a tinge of gnosis, the character of divine wisdom imparted by God to the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet Khidr.



Information: Studia Religiologica, 2012, Volume 45, Issue 4, pp. 301 - 310

Article type: Original article



Chezr – Zielony Prorok


Chezer – the Green Prophet


Institute for the Study of Religions, Jagiellonian University, Grodzka 52 31-044 Kraków

Published at: 14.02.2013

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Elżbieta Wnuk-Lisowska (Author) - 100%

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View count: 1959

Number of downloads: 1831

<p> Chezer – the Green Prophet</p>