Ethnic Relations in Montenegro — The Historical and Contemporary Aspect
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEStosunki etniczne w Czarnogórze – aspekt historyczny i współczesny
Publication date: 09.10.2017
Central European and Balkan Studies, 2017, Tom XXV, pp. 207 - 227
Stosunki etniczne w Czarnogórze – aspekt historyczny i współczesny
Ethnic relations in the Balkans determine their specificity. In the case of Montenegro, the issue is much more complicated. The range of recognised ethnic minorities in this country is the widest among all the post-Yugoslav countries. The paper analyses the problem of relations between Montenegrins and ethnic minorities, among which the most politically important is the attitude towards the Serbs, who constitute approximately 30% of the society. The key preliminary issue is to determine the identity of Montenegrins, who are commonly considered Serbs. Their mutual tribal relations are clear, but the territorial identity of the Montenegrins has shaped their separate nation-like identity through the ages. That is why the part of the society that declared Montenegrin nationality rejects the distant tribal bond with the Serbs as a basis of political concessions for the latter. Another problem are relations with the Albanians, whose votes allowed Montenegro to gain independence. This community feels disappointed and even marginalised by the Montenegrin authorities, as it expected a greater participation in public life as a recognition for its contribution to independence. The Bosnians have no alternatives: they do not want to cooperate with the Serbs more due to the ethnic purges they fell victim to, but the state of Montenegro seems to ignore them. This is why currently many of them decide to emigrate, which is additionally stimulated by the poverty of the areas they inhabit.
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Information: Central European and Balkan Studies, 2017, Tom XXV, pp. 207 - 227
Article type: Original article
Stosunki etniczne w Czarnogórze – aspekt historyczny i współczesny
Ethnic Relations in Montenegro — The Historical and Contemporary Aspect
University of Wrocław, plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland
Published at: 09.10.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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