Organized Immigrant Resources and Aspirations at the City Level of the Host Country – the Case of Casa do Brasil de Lisboa
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEOrganized Immigrant Resources and Aspirations at the City Level of the Host Country – the Case of Casa do Brasil de Lisboa
Publication date: 11.2021
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, 2021 (XLVII), Vol. 3 (181), pp. 189 - 210
Organized Immigrant Resources and Aspirations at the City Level of the Host Country – the Case of Casa do Brasil de Lisboa
This article looks at the Brazilian migrant association founded in 1992, functioning in the capital of Portugal, Casa do Brasil de Lisboa. Its origin is connected to the period of the first numerous stream of Brazilians coming to Portugal, the colonizer of their homeland in former times. Knowing that migrant networks are of great value to the process of immigrants’ integration into a host society – and a local community as well – Casa do Brasil de Lisboa is very active in this field. For instance, in partnership with the Lisbon City Council, this association offers guidance on the legalization of stay, and access to public and private services in Portugal. However, a large number of tasks undertaken by Casa do Brasil de Lisboa go far beyond this kind of guidance. Two editions of the project Migrante Participa (Migrant Participates) are a clear illustration of it. Each edition created opportunities to meet, gain knowledge, and share opinions on migratory process issues in the context of Portugal and Lisbon as well, encouraging political participation at the local level, for example. Casa do Brasil de Lisboa is also active in the field of culture, promoting Brazilian artists. What is more, this association is not closed for other nationalities and collaborates with various entities. To be more specific, therefore, the focus of this text is on presenting Casa do Brasil de Lisboa as a dynamic immigrant association working on increasing the level of integration and reducing the phenomenon of individual marginalization within the Lisbon community. As a theoretical framework of this text serves the concept of immigrants’ integration of Rinus Penninx.
Information: Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, 2021 (XLVII), Vol. 3 (181), pp. 189 - 210
Article type: Original article
Organized Immigrant Resources and Aspirations at the City Level of the Host Country – the Case of Casa do Brasil de Lisboa
Organized Immigrant Resources and Aspirations at the City Level of the Host Country – the Case of Casa do Brasil de Lisboa
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 11.2021
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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EnglishView count: 570
Number of downloads: 809