Women Protagonists in the Hebrew Morality CompositionTzemach Tzadiq by Leon Modena
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWomen Protagonists in the Hebrew Morality CompositionTzemach Tzadiq by Leon Modena
Publication date: 15.03.2018
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2017, Volume 15, pp. 47-61
Women Protagonists in the Hebrew Morality Composition zemach Tzadiq by Leon Modena
This article proposes a reading of three stories from the Hebrew morality book Tzemach Tzadiq [The Righteous Shoot], composed by Leon Modena (1571-1648) and based upon the 13th century Italian treatise Fiore di Virtu [The Flowers of the Virtues]. These stories, which present plots with female protagonists, demonstrate women’s mystique in this early Modern Hebrew compilation and reveal the attitude of Modena and his readership towards women who deviated from the norm. Although Tzemach Tzadiq is a hegemonic patriarchal text, it reveals an intra-gender relationship where these female protagonists protest against their social inferiority by means of self-violence.
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Information: Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2017, Volume 15, pp. 47-61
Article type: Original article
Women Protagonists in the Hebrew Morality Composition zemach Tzadiq by Leon Modena
Women Protagonists in the Hebrew Morality CompositionTzemach Tzadiq by Leon Modena
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Published at: 15.03.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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