Pioneering Belgium: Parliamentary Legislation on the Restitution of Colonial Collections
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPioneering Belgium: Parliamentary Legislation on the Restitution of Colonial Collections
Publication date: 12.2022
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2022, 2/2022 (8), pp. 323 - 340
Pioneering Belgium: Parliamentary Legislation on the Restitution of Colonial Collections
The Bill of 3 July 2022 to recognize the alienability of goods linked to the Belgian State’s colonial past and to determine a legal framework for their restitution and return (“the Restitution Bill”) puts Belgium at the forefront of international restitutions of colonial collections. With the parliamentary approval, and therefore democratically backed adoption of the Restitution Bill, Belgium is about to write history by being the first country in the world with a legislative framework allowing for large-scale restitutions of colonial collections. The situation, however, is not all roses, as the new legislation keeps its scope quite narrow (only cultural objects from former Belgian colonies, and no archives or human remains) and excludes local communities within the State of origin from being involved in restitution proceedings. Moreover, the Bill’s initial draft had to be watered down significantly to give the Government maximum freedom in negotiating bilateral restitution agreements. The relative lack of procedural rules renders the process less transparent and more political. In sidestepping the issue, the actual restitution procedure will depend almost entirely on the terms of each of the bilateral agreements, thus giving more leeway to political squabbling.
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Information: Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2022, 2/2022 (8), pp. 323 - 340
Article type: Original article
Pioneering Belgium: Parliamentary Legislation on the Restitution of Colonial Collections
Pioneering Belgium: Parliamentary Legislation on the Restitution of Colonial Collections
Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, Boulevard du Jardin botanique 43, Brussels, Belgium
KU Leuven – Faculty of Law, Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Published at: 12.2022
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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